Aguri-Chan Aguri-Chan

The birth of $AGURI, a new cryptocurrency token, traces back to a simple yet heartwarming moment on August 9, 2024. On that day, Kabosumama, the beloved owner of Kabosu—the iconic dog behind the DOGE meme—was enjoying a peaceful walk in the park with her newest pet, Neiro. Neiro, a lively and charming Shiba Inu, had recently taken the spotlight as the successor to Kabosu’s legacy. During this walk, Neiro met Aguri-Chan, another dog with an equally vibrant personality. From the moment they met, it was clear that Neiro and Aguri-Chan shared a special connection. They played together with an infectious energy, running through the grass and chasing each other with pure joy. Kabosumama, deeply touched by their immediate bond, shared this delightful encounter on her widely followed blog, where fans eagerly read about Neiro's adventures.

Symbol aguri
Current Price $0.00000164
Market Cap $691,581
Market Cap Rank 3130
24h Change -6.18%
Circulating Supply 420,690,000,000
Total Supply 420,690,000,000
All-Time High $0.00000614
All-Time Low $0.00000099
Twitter Followers 1,205
Last Updated 2024-09-21T19:27:46.997Z

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