Aura BAL Aura BAL

auraBAL is a liquid wrapper for Balancer's veBAL. Aura allows users to deposit their 80/20 BAL/WETH BPT and receive liquid auraBAL, instead of the non-transferrable veBAL. Tokenised auraBAL is given to the user at a 1:1 rate for veBAL, and can be traded on Balancer or elsewhere. This BPT is then locked up by the Aura protocol for the maximum time in Balancer Voting Escrow where it will allow the Aura system to benefit from its voting power for boosting rewards & voting for gauges.

Symbol aurabal
Current Price $8.80000000
Market Cap $32,225,462
Market Cap Rank 864
24h Change -9.51%
Circulating Supply 3,653,496
Total Supply 3,653,496
All-Time High $21.61000000
All-Time Low $7.58000000
Twitter Followers 28,969
Last Updated 2024-06-09T14:35:57.988Z

Developer Data

Forks 0
Stars 0
Subscribers 0
Total Issues 0
Closed Issues 0
Pull Requests Merged 0
Pull Request Contributors 0
Commit Count (Last 4 Weeks) 0