Mineral Mineral

Mineral info : Mineral is a token that can be used commonly in SkyPeople's blockchain game ecosystem. Users can trade various NFT items that can be obtained while playing Sky People's games using Mineral, and enjoy various contents such as item purchase, staking, and NFT purchase within the game ecosystem. In addition, Mineral is trying to provide stable services to more users by adding Polygon Chain to expand the ecosystem for faster and more stable trading environments, convenient payment systems, and more user pools.

Symbol mnr
Current Price $0.00034193
Market Cap $2,745,760
Market Cap Rank 2166
24h Change -4.43%
Circulating Supply 8,004,234,965
Total Supply 9,871,885,662
All-Time High $0.10470800
All-Time Low $0.00017478
Twitter Followers 22,710
Last Updated 2024-06-09T14:43:02.850Z

Developer Data

Forks 0
Stars 0
Subscribers 0
Total Issues 0
Closed Issues 0
Pull Requests Merged 0
Pull Request Contributors 0
Commit Count (Last 4 Weeks) 0