XPR Network XPR Network

Launched in San Francisco, Proton (XPR) is a new public blockchain and smart contract platform designed for both consumer applications and peer-peer payments. It is built around a secure identity and financial settlements layer that allows users to directly link real identity and fiat accounts, pull funds and buy crypto, and use that crypto seamlessly in apps.

Symbol xpr
Current Price $0.00116636
Market Cap $30,116,518
Market Cap Rank 899
24h Change -0.84%
Circulating Supply 25,793,904,068
Total Supply 29,090,908,755
All-Time High $0.10008800
All-Time Low $0.00054716
Twitter Followers 58,231
Last Updated 2024-06-09T14:59:18.764Z

Developer Data

Forks 0
Stars 0
Subscribers 0
Total Issues 0
Closed Issues 0
Pull Requests Merged 0
Pull Request Contributors 0
Commit Count (Last 4 Weeks) 0